Missoula (mini-album)

“Missoula”: the original working title was “The Noir Project”. It started out as more jazzy and smoky- and now it’s becoming…hmmm. Not sure!

The concept is to limit myself to my one guitar, my voice, and Cindy’s voice-- the small palette of instruments we use at a live show. I try also to avoid adding lots of overdubs, but do allow a simple rhythm section and one ‘guest instrument per song- similar to “Cambridge Cowgirl”. There’s Banjo on “Missoula”, and solo horn on “Tight Spot” and “Another Man on Your Mind”. But on many songs, my single guitar does most of the work.

If we got this right, it will not seem like a limited palette to the listener, but a full meal, made with simple ingredients. Downloadable, of course, and I have inexpensive, ‘not-full-length’ CDs available for CD lovers.